Our Mission : NGFSTEAM
We are the Next Generation Frontiers of STEAM Education!
▶ This website provides services for Association Members’ activities, such as academic research, event operation, journal publication, newsletters and other communication features.
▶ The title 「NGFSTEAM」 , or the Next Generation Frontiers of STEAM, means an open platform for 「pioneers of convergence education for the next generation」. This also means our Association is open for all generations and all age groups
Our Mission : NGFSTEAM
We are the Next Generation Frontiers of STEAM Education!
▶ This website provides services for Association Members’ activities, such as academic research, event operation, journal publication, newsletters and other communication features.
▶ The title 「NGFSTEAM」 , or the Next Generation Frontiers of STEAM, means an open platform for 「 pioneers of convergence education for the next generation」. This also means our Association is open for all generations and all age groups.