The Association for 4Dframe holds this conference (NGF Talks & Posters) for the purpose of contributing to the development and communication of STEAM culture for the next generation. Anyone interested in the field of STEAM culture using 4Dframe can participate in this Conference.
1. Title: NGF TALKS 2023
2. Hosted by: Foundation for the Advancement of STEAM (FAS)
3. Supervision: Association for 4Dframe (A4D)
4. Support: 4D Land, Inc. ․4D Mathematical Science & Creativity Research Institute
NGF TALKS 2023 will take place together with IMSCC 2023.
Venue: Eoulim Hall, Gwacheon National Science Museum
Date: 09:30~16:30 Saturday, October 21, 2023 (KST)
Event | Time | Program / Presenter | Venue |
Conference Registration & Opening Ceremony ALL | 9:30-10:30 | ▸ ID Card Issuance ▸ Participant Verification | Lobby, Eoulim Hall Eoulim Hall |
NGF Symposium NGF 10:30~11:30 | 10:30~10:40 | NGF Symposium "4Dframe Education within the National Curriculum" Chair : KyoungHo Cho (Kogi elementary school, Republic of Korea) | Eoulim Hall |
10:40~10:50 | Presentation1 Philippe Longchamps (BMSL, Sweden) - 4Dframe in Transformative Education - | ||
10:55~11:05 | Presentation2 HyeMin Yang (Seoul Science Park, Republic of Korea) - 4Dframe AI교육 프로그램의 개정 교육과정 도입 가능성 탐색 - | ||
11:10-11:30 | Panel Discussion ▸Mariana Back (Tekniska museet, Sweden) ▸HaeChan Jung (Seoul Mangwon Elementary School, Republic of Korea) ▸HanByul Jung (Seoul Changchon Elementary School, Republic of Korea ) | ||
NGF Posters NGF 10:30~12:00 | 10:30~14:00 | NGF Posters - Exhibition | Lobby, Eoulim Hall |
13:30~14:00 | NGF Posters - Presentation Chair : Yongbo Kwon (Seoul Eungam Elementary School, Republic of Korea ) | ||
Presentation Muntae Im (전국수학문화연구회) - Johnson solid review - | |||
NGF Talks ALL 14:30~15:10 | 14:00~14:30 | NGF Talks Chair : Hyeok Lee (Sangbong Middle School, Republic of Korea) | Eoulim Hall |
Presentation 1 Dongbin Kim, Minsung Kim (Dong-Ah Meister High School) | |||
Presentation 2 Dohyeon Im (Korea Science Academy of KAIST) | |||
Presentation 3 Go-eun Gu (Sanmaru Elementary Shcool) | |||
14:50~15:30 | COMP 10 Presenters (Capstone Design) Co-Chair : Hyeok Lee (Sangbong Middle School, Republic of Korea) Yongbo Kwon (Seoul Eungam Elementary School, Republic of Korea ) | ||
▸탄소발자국 (대한민국, 서귀포산업과학고등학교) - 학교에서의 에너지 절약 및 실천 - ▸그린플러스 (대한민국, 서귀포산업과학고등학교) - 탄소중립으로 가는 애노자 절약 개발 - ▸ 채인지메이커 (대한민국, 서귀포산업과학고등학교) - 탄소중립 람사르습지 교육 - ▸ 메이커버리 (대한민국, 서귀포산업과학고등학교 ) - 람사르습지 보존 - ▸ 아이좋아 (대한민국, 송원대학교) - 유아 대상 4D프레임을 활용한 메이커 활동 기반 탄소중립 실천 프로그램 개방 - ▸ 포디프레임일산한빛 (대한민국, 포디프레임 일산한빛센터) - 포디프레임, 아두이노, 팅커캐드를 활용한 3차원 입체도형에 대한 이해 및 연계 교육 활용 방안 - ▸ 알파AI코딩연구소 (대한민국, 알파AI코딩연구소) - AI를 활용한 탄소중립 재활용분리수거 키트제작 - ▸ STEAM ID / - Alternative Energy Power Plant Learning for Students Creativity Thinking Skill with 4DFrame Mechkatronics - ▸ Pakuan (대한민국, 한경대학교) - PJBL-STEAM Based Renewable Energy Learning Tool for Solar Cell Powered Farm Tracker to Increase Students' Sustainable Awareness and Energy Literacy - ▸ Torches - Toward Zero Emissions: The Electric - ▸ RuSTEAM-G - Rubbish Steam Engine Mini Generator (RuSteaM-G) - | |||
Showcase ALL 15:10~15:30 | 15:10-15:20 | ▸4DFrame logo song – 4DWorld – SeoHa Park and 1 other | Eoulim Hall |
15:20-15:30 | ▸4DFrame theme song – 4Dworld Dreaming | ||
Awards & Closing Ceremony ALL | 16:00~ | ▸ Evaluation Remarks from the chair of Evaluation Committee ▸ COMP Competition Awarding : NGF Awarding(NGF Talks, NGF Posters) ▸ Closing Ceremony | Eoulim Hall |
[KEY] COMP: IMSCC Competition | NGF: NGF Conference(NGF Talks & Posters) | ALL: Competition & Conference |
※Schedules are subject to change
The Association for 4Dframe holds this conference (NGF Talks & Posters) for the purpose of contributing to the development and communication of STEAM culture for the next generation. Anyone interested in the field of STEAM culture using 4Dframe can participate in this Conference.
1. Title: NGF TALKS 2023
2. Hosted by: Foundation for the Advancement of STEAM (FAS)
3. Supervision: Association for 4Dframe (A4D)
4. Support: 4D Land, Inc. ․4D Mathematical Science & Creativity Research Institute
NGF TALKS 2023 will take place together with IMSCC 2023.
Venue: Eoulim Hall, Gwacheon National Science Museum
Date: 09:30~16:30 Saturday, October 21, 2023 (KST)
Event | Time | Program / Presenter |
Conference Registration & Opening Ceremony
ALL | 09:30~ 10:30 | ▸ID Card Issuance ▸Participant Verification |
NGF NGF 10:30~11:30 | 10:30~10:40 | NGF Symposium
"4Dframe Education within the National Curriculum"
Chair : Yongbo Kwon ( Seoul Eungam Elementary School) |
10:40~11:10 | ▸Presentation1
Philippe Longchamps (BMSL, Sweden)
HyeMin Yang (Seoul Science Park) | |
11:10~11:40 | ▸Panel Discussion
Mariana Back (Tekniska museet, Sweden)
HaeChan Jung ( Seoul Mangwon Elementary School )
HanByul Jung ( Seoul Changchon Elementary School ) | |
NGF NGF 10:30~12:00 | 10:30~14:00 | NGF Posters |
13:30~14:00 | NGF Posters ▸Presentation Chair : Yongbo Kwon ( Seoul Eungam Elementary School) | |
NGF Talks ALL 14:30~15:10 | 14:00~14:30 | NGF Talks Chair : SangMyoung Lee ( Goyang Hannae Elementary School) |
Presenter 1 Dongbin Kim, Minseong Kim -IMSCC2022 Grand Award Winners | ||
Presenter 2 Dohyeon Im -IMSCC2022 Grand Award Winner | ||
Presenter 3 Goeun Gu (Sanmaru Elementary School) | ||
14:50~15:10 | COMP Capstone Project | |
▸ STEAM ID / - Alternative Energy Power Plant Learning for Students Creativity Thinking Skill with 4DFrame Mechkatronics - ▸ Pakuan - PJBL-STEAM Based Renewable Energy Learning Tool for Solar Cell Powered Farm Tracker to Increase Students' Sustainable Awareness and Energy Literacy - ▸ Torches - Toward Zero Emissions: The Electric - ▸ RuSTEAM-G - Rubbish Steam Engine Mini Generator (RuSteaM-G) - ▸탄소발자국 (서귀포산업과학고등학교) - 학교에서의 에너지 절약 및 실천 - ▸그린플러스 (서귀포산업과학고등학교) - 탄소중립으로 가는 애노자 절약 개발 - ▸ 채인지메이커 (서귀포산업과학고등학교) - 탄소중립 람사르습지 교육 - ▸ 메이커버리 (서귀포산업과학고등학교) - 람사르습지 보존 - ▸ 아이좋아(송원대학교) - 유아 대상 4D프레임을 활용한 메이커 활동 기반 탄소중립 실천 프로그램 개방 - ▸ 포디프레임일산한빛 (포디프레임 일산한빛센터) - 포디프레임, 아두이노, 팅커캐드를 활용한 3차원 입체도형에 대한 이해 및 연계 교육 활용 방안 - ▸ 알파AI코딩연구소 (알파AI코딩연구소) - AI를 활용한 탄소중립 재활용분리수거 키트제작 - | ||
Showcase ALL 15:10~15:30 | 15:10~15:20 | ▸4DFrame logo song - 4DWorld - SeoHa Park and 1 other |
15:20~15:30 | ▸4DFrame theme song
- 4Dworld Dreaming - | |
Awards & Closing Ceremony
ALL | 16:00~ | ▸Evaluation Remarks ( from the chair of Evaluation Committee )
▸COMP Competition Awarding
▸NGF Awarding(NGF Talks, NGF Posters)
▸ Closing Ceremony |
[KEY] COMP: IMSCC Competition NGF: NGF Conference(NGF Talks & Posters) ALL: Competition & Conference |
※Schedules are subject to change